Discover Work are today celebrating the achievements of participants on our latest sector-based skills academy, this time run in partnership with Dundee City Council’s Parking Attendants.
The group have completed a two week training course at The Shore, delivered by Adult Employability Service and Parking Attendant staff. The Academy has also benefitted from support by All in Dundee and Youth Employability Service.
This unique opportunity has given participants an insight into the skills and attributes needed to gain and sustain employment as a Parking Attendant at Dundee City Council.
Principal Parking Officer at Dundee City Council, Mandy Sivewright thanked the group and reflected on the Academy:
“This is the first time we have approached recruitment in this way and I have to say, it’s been a real eye-opener. […] Normally I would only be able to meet people for 30 minutes in an interview before hiring. Over the past two weeks though, I’ve been able to get to know candidates more and I’m blown away by the time and effort that they’ve all put in. Thank you!”
For some of the Academy participants, the two weeks has been helpful in overcoming potential barriers to employment. Orran, who is 20 years old found the experience to be helpful, saying:
“For the past six months I’ve been unemployed. In that time I’ve gone into massive depressive episodes and haven’t had the support I needed […] It wasn’t until this course that I’ve felt supported in trying to find a job that matches my education level.”
“Natalie & Vicky [Adult Employability Service] have been a massive help with everything, without them I wouldn’t be confident to apply for this kind of job. Big thanks to all the staff involved.”
The Roads & Transportation department at Dundee City Council have guaranteed interviews for all course completers, these will take place over the next 2 weeks. Our partnership wishes all the best for the participants moving forward and thanks Councillor Steven Rome (Deputy Convener, City Development) for his attendance at today’s event and on-going support for employability initiatives in Dundee.
If your business could benefit from a sector-based work academy, please contact us on [email protected] for more information.