Discover Work are pleased to announce that recruitment for our upcoming sector-based academy with Dundee City Council is now open.
Participants on the 2 week course will receive specific training for the role of Parking Attendant with Dundee City Council. Those who complete the course satisfactorily are guaranteed interview for a Parking Attendant role.
More information about the role and working for Dundee City Council in general can be found in this recent example of Parking Attendant Job Description and Job Information Pack for All Services.
In addition to this job specific training package, participants will receive support from an employability key worker and support for up to 6 months after starting employment, education or self-employment.
To be eligible for the course, candidates must be Dundee residents, be over the age of 18 and either unemployed or underemployed.
To make a referral or enquiry, please email [email protected]