“If it was not for the support of the Youth Employability Service back then and now I would not have been able to pursue my dream of being a mechanic.”

Nathan’s dream was to be a mechanic but without any qualifications or experience this seemed a long shot.

So, when he contacted the Youth Employability Service and discussed this they referred him to Helm Training under the employability fund, who operate their own garage – Spick and Spanner, where Nathan could gain the experience and qualifications to start his journey.

Nathan settled well into this and Helm arranged a work placement with Tannadice Motors where the employer was so pleased with him that he was keen to keep him on but financially couldn’t offer him anything permanent.

But, again, by working together the Youth Employability Service with Helm approached Nickki Bryce, Employer Liaison Officer, with Dundee City Council and secured funding for Tannadice Motors to enable them to employ Nathan as a trainee mechanic.

Employability Practitioners working together secured Nathan his dream job! Could it work for you?